Monday, June 30, 2008

artistically handicapped traveler

Idle minds bring no new thoughts, idle jobs do not help with this predicament. Trying to keep motivated, shooting, reading, chica - going, and riding as much as possible in an attempt to fend off the tell tale signs of being home for the summer.

How I crave the time a time in my life where I could ride a train, shoot, any public transport to work everyday. Trains are different though. The mundane humming of the cars and the rhythmic track intervals more felt than heard while songs run through your ears with a good book in your hands.... nothing beats it.

Either way, I went into chicago for the weekend to visit some good friends, and yea definitely road the train in. Didn't shoot much, I should have, but I was all about having a great relaxing weekend.

I did take a couple shots though, more touristy than anything. (posted) I'm feeling a little un-artistic lately, maybe just the fact that I haven't taken a photograph that I really liked in a while has something to do with that.

So, here's to shooting like a fiend for the rest of summer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

improving calorie mileage

1,000 dollar reward for anyone reporting on people throwing objects onto the cars below... I was not able to receive 1,000 dollars. I was relatively worried that I would drop my camera and then end up getting fined and arrested.

So, I am living at home over the summer. We still get our tv from an antenna which narrows the channels down to about 10 different ones, this includes 2 spanish channels which by the way usually have the best movies. BBC rocks while editing photos before bed..... I need a good new book.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

lazy summer

Nothing much to say so far. It's been a pretty lazy summer, minus the 50 hour work weeks. Pretty much just working, biking in the country, and catching trains to Chicago for some weekends.

Either way, just a few images. I am trying to shoot when I can this summer. So hopefully a lot more to come.

here is the friendly horse that I bike by all the time. sometimes he'll race me as I bike by. here he is giving the camera a little nudge hello.

What you cannot see is the mother bird attacking me.