Well, I sort of live for this. Not necessarily baseball in particular, but large venue sports. It's pretty much my very guilty pleasure. Honestly, they have no news value besides the fact that so many people love them. And it's understandable, nothing beats being at one of these places when it's a tight game and anywhere from 20-100 thousand people are screaming at the top of their lungs, it's electric.
You won't find that electricity at a Mariners game, but it's nice to see that there are still some fans willing to go root for their team and have a good time even though they have 100+ losses as of yesterday. It probably has a lot to do with the variety of beers and micro brews sold at the stadium.
Either way, here are just a few shots of the few games that I have shot at Safeco over the past few weeks. Safeco is a beautiful stadium with what I think is one of the best views in all American Stadiums. So even though the team is horrendous, nothing beats hanging out at the ballpark taking photos for an afternoon or evening.

OHELLOOOO!!!! good girl
nice action shot on top and Hello Kitty!
hello kitty backpack.
feel good.........
really enjoying your work, man. hope you're doing well and keep it up! =D
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