Flooding has started to occur in many different places outside the Seattle area. On Wednesday we dispatched quite a few photographers to different areas to cover the rising flood waters. I was sent about an hour south, southeast of Seattle to a small town called Orting and the surrounding area near the Carbon River and Voights Creek.
I was there until dark and the Carbon River had not crested over its banks. The smaller Voights Creek had inundated a Washington State fish hatchery however about 3 miles down the road from Carbon River. I went back and forth between locations until it was dark and then I had to leave to transmit back to the paper.
Here are a few of the photos I made while roaming around on damp ground and in water up to 2 1/2 feet deep or so.
Stay safe if you're in those areas.

**Rules of evacuating a flooded house.
#1. Evacuate family first, keep child dry.

#2. Evacuate hound(s) second, also keep hound dry.

Good luck lighting your cigarette.

nice shots. the no smoking one cracked nick up.
i <3 hounds more than children, so my rules would be a bit different.
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