An epic snowstorm his Seattle this past Thursday. Well, epic for Seattle standards. Due to the fact that Seattle pretty much has zero snow plows combined with more hills than MTV. With those two factors it's a mixture to paralyze a city. Just to let you know how scared Seattle is of snow, on Wednesday there was just a chance that it may snow.... cancel school, everything. It didn't snow, it was pretty funny. Then of course the snow came on Thursday with a vengeance.
Due to the fact that I live on Queen Anne HILL I haven't been able to move my car in two days. If you don't have chains in this neighborhood don't even think about it. So I've been walking miles a day up and down the slopes of Seattle making pictures along the way.
It's great here to see how the kids react to snow since they don't usually get to see it, let along 6 inches of it. Everyone seemed to be having a great time as long as they weren't trying to get anywhere.
Thanks for looking.
Stay safe out there,
Brad Vest
Listening to: Flying Lotus, RobertaFlack (feat Dolly)
Apparently this snowman has no interest in the great view from Kerry Park. I guess he could have just been posing for a photo. Only in Seattle have I found snowmen with eyes made from coffee beans, fitting I guess.
The storm parted for an instant and the sun bathed down on Eliot Bay for a brief instance.
These kids were catching some massive air cruising down 11th Avenue in US Post Office boxes. Even the parents got into it. It was great hanging out for a while.
There are a lot of these little berry trees all over Seattle. The deep red really popped out against the stark white snow.
Pretty much every bus trying to get into my neighborhood was stuck on a hill, somewhere. Luckily this morning on my way back from a friends the bus was running all the way up. Actually the first one to go up the hill was the bus that I caught, I know lucky. They had just sanded the hill and the buses were outfitted with chains around their tires. Here a resident asks a driver if he wants anything to drink or eat while he was stranded in his bus waiting for a tow off the hill near the end of the storm.
All the hills make for fantastic views. I wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe having chains for my car.
Snowman numero dos.
Sounds like quite the crazy time. Everyone here is just jaded with the snow, it has to be nice to get a new perspective on it. Loving the shot of the kid sledding in the cardboard box.
Yeah man. It's been crazy here since it has been snowing. We had another 8 or so inches today. The city is pretty much shut down and people are sledding on all the hills.
these are niceeee
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