Forgive me, I'm going to keep this short, I'm exhausted. I was going to try and make it to Iowa today, but Mother Nature had other plans. I woke up this morning to about 3 inches of fresh snow on the ground in Wyoming. The roads were okay, but the beginning of the trip I had to travel pretty slowly due to the high winds, snow, and slippery curves.
I love snow, just not so much when I am going to be driving all day long. This is sorta like a very expensive digital holga shot?
Once I was out of the Elk mountain area of Wyoming the roads cleared up and I cruised for a few hundred miles until about 70 miles from Lincoln, Nebraska. At that point the roads became one big sheet of ice combined with 50mph gusts of crosswinds I decided to call it a short day and stopped in the small town of York, Nebraska. I'll hole up here tonight before completing the rest of the trip in the morning.
About 7 hours to go. Not to shabby.
Brad Vest
Listening to: Solo Impala, The Fashion
A lot of warning signs as I have made my way east the past few days.
It wasn't to great to drive in, but it was pretty gorgeous.
Energy in motion. I've passed so many of these on the way home, I love it.
That little guy was probably headed to a nearby farm like this one. It was so windy out today, these things were spinning like helicopters.
This was actually a lot less slippery than the final leg in Nebraska at night when I decided to call it a night and relax instead of drive 45mph behind semi trucks.
omg what is in that truck. sweet snow picture on the road.
haha, the truck is hauling two giant windmill propellers for a windmill farm.
awesome eh.
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