The range of assignments that I've been getting here so far is wonderful. I've chased windmills, tracked down geese, explored a landfill, trotted through factories, and just today I had the chance to go a little northeast of Hutchinson and shoot a story about a woman and her cattle.

Now these may not sound like amazing assignments to non photographers. But, don't be mistaken, nothing is better than going to really weird, complex, and unique places. Creativity just seems to flow while on assignments like this, and even if you don't come away with great images at least you spent the day doing something completely different and entertaining.
Today was great. There were around 80 cattle, most still pregnant but some had already had their calves which were now running around and giving baby 'moos'?? Since the cattle were pregnant they had to be coaxed over by the owner with a bag of feed to allow her to check in and make sure they were all doing well. I tried to coax them closer with a handful of dead grass, they were not interested.

I had to fight back the urge to just start running after the calves, they were so hilarious, like big puppies.
Either way, I have a few different things I am working on. But I've been pretty busy with assignments and just general shooting. I'll have a few more things up soon though.
Thanks for looking.
Be well,
Brad Vest

I'm second coolest. MOOOOOO!!. aw cowsies.
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