Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2009_02_10_Reuben Reuben I've been thinking

2009_02_10_Reuben Reuben I've been thinking

Spent a few hours on a farm today for a story running in the near future for The Hutchinson News. Farms are always so fun, I loved spending time at my mom's family's farm while growing up and still enjoy trotting around amongst the animals.

Things that are almost guaranteed on a farm.

Mud, a cool dog, and curious farm animals.

Brad Vest

Listening to: How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm, Andrew Bird

He was a mix between something and an Australian Sheep dog, he was awesome.

Adolescent calf hams it up for the camera.

Full grown cow also interested.

I should probably get a pair of boots.


Erica Magda said...

ohhh pretty doggie. love the diptick. omnom she did.

Patrick said...

dude getting mighty scraggly are we? hows high school bball?

Basir Seerat's Photography. said...

That are excellent shoots , very nice and really intrasting blog.

inane said...

Boots with the fur!