Another day, another small farm. As expected there was the staple of any farm, a great farm dog. This time it was an excited, younger yellow lab that loved puddles. As the owner of the farm walked the reporter and I around the outside of his farm I took photos and played with the hound as the reporter conducted her interview.
A cool farm dog, as expected.
Cool farm dogs always enjoy puddles, it's a guarantee.
I wanted a few more closer photos so we backtracked around and went in with his cattle and sheep herd. I didn't know this but I guess donkey's are a great animal to protect smaller animals such as sheep from fox and coyotes. They become the dominant animal in the herd and protect them from predators. This herds protector was named sneaky for very good reasons.
Not expected, really friendly farm donkey.
Sneaky was a very nice, curious donkey. It was a great assignment.
Thanks for looking,
Brad Vest
Listening to: Post War, M. Ward
Whats this here thing you're holding??? Ah! What was that sound?
This donkey was extremely curious about my cameras. While I'd be kneeling down shooting pictures of my subjects all the sudden I would get a lens full of donkey nose.
Donkey nose.
Sneaky was a very proper name for this donkey. I'd be shooting and turn around, donkey. For what I assume is a 300 plus pound animal, it was very surprising how quietly she got around.
Oh, the cattle had little afros and long puffy hair on their bodies. This is a Highlander calf going mop top with blond highlights.
HAHAHAH please make the one of you and the donkey your new banner or profile pic! so cute. and ohi a tilt too. pretty doggie. best. post. ever. lol
and i demand a diptick of the cattle's afro and yours. k thnx
a FAT farm dog.
the best kind.
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