So, this is where I live. It's nothing much and nothing original, but it works. The Hutchinson News has a deal with one of the local landlords to keep one of his apartments open for the paper's yearly intern rotation. This made things very easy when I decided to take the internship in which all I had to do was call him up and let him know when I'd be getting into town. The other nice thing is that it's furnished, so I didn't have to lug much stuff with me on my drive to Kansas.
Thanks for looking,
Brad Vest
The Main Place, top third window from the right.
I forgot to drop off a pair of shoes when I swung through Urbana, Illinois on my way out to Kansas.
Living room with flags and news pages trying to un-bland the wall a tad. More have been added since this photo was taken. My entertainment system holds my film cameras, boxes of photo paper (I may build a pin-hole camera while I'm here) and my portfolio building supplies. Very entertaining.
I've never liked glass tables. Maybe I just don't understand the reasoning behind wanting to see whats under the table? As a kid I always wanted a glass table though, with a fish tank underneath it.
Looking towards the kitchen out of the living room. There's no coat rack or anything so the chairs are usually the easiest place for cold weather clothes and such.
Not much, but its got a stove and full size fridge.
A couple Seattle reminders in the kitchen. Um, no I didn't just staple that drawing to the wall??
Comfy bed and a small bag of Jasmine I nabbed from Seattle.
I guess I was lucky that furnished also included towels.
Tracking a wild animal.
Broken space needle snow globe.
Listening to: some older Minus the Bear tracks
1 comment:
you need better decorations. funny though, this looks a lot like your last apt.
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