Yesterday I had the chance to shoot a rodeo for the first time. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I definitely knew it would have its fair share of excitement. Turns out it was a little more exciting than I bargained for.
When I first got to the small rodeo I wandered around the outside took pictures and grabbed a coffee. I knew the best pictures would be in with the bull riding competitors that stay inside a fenced in area at one side of the large rodeo ring. The competitors enter the confined ring where they are safe from the large bulls, get dressed and prepared to mount the bulls. The bulls come in on the right side and follow a path around to the front into their holders before being released into the ring with a rider on top. After the ride, the bull is guided out on the left side of the small fenced in ring where the riders wait and out into the pen behind the building.... At least that is the plan.
He's a Blue Healer and he was awesome.
Young cowboy getting his gear ready for his upcoming ride.
I entered the confined ring and started making pictures as the riders prepared to start riding the bulls. There was a tiny puppy in the ring and that took up most my attention for a little while. Either way, I was shooting pictures of one of the younger riders getting his rope ready and all the sudden people were yelling and jumping all over the place. Apparently someone forgot to make sure the gates were chained together which allowed five angry bulls to bust through into the 'safe' area where the riders were getting prepared. As I looked left I saw three bulls running right at me. I ran across the area and leaped onto a large metal grate that riders climb up onto before lowering themselves down onto the bulls. I tried to make a few photos as soon as I was safe from the 5 pairs of horns that continually raced around the small area butting at anything that came near them.
The shutter was triggered as I ran across with the giant bulls chasing me down.
After I thought I was in a relatively safe position I turned and tried to make a few images of the bulls reeking havoc in the small 'safe' zone.
Bull runs full steam into the fence where guys scramble to the other side.
It was a very exciting experience and my heart was racing a little when it was all done. Luckily no one was injured, and who knows how, but the little puppy made it out unscathed also.
The little guy didn't even seem to mind after the whole ordeal was over.
What a great little kick to get the day going.
Thanks for looking,
Brad Vest
One cowboy was scared out of his boot.
Listening to: Chicago, Sufjan Stevens
you should have stolen that puppy. i like the last one with the boot mucho.
this made me lol
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