So the saying goes at least, and this cow seems to adhere to those words. Well a small bribe that consisted of handfuls of ditch grass. My brother, dad, and I were able to coax over a herd of cows that we pass sometimes while riding in the country. One of the cows seemed to enjoy the untouchable grass so much that he took matters into his own hooves and knelt down, reached his neck under the barbed wire, and got his filling of the all elusive ditch grass.
I am hoping to follow the saying as well soon as I venture out to my first photojournalism internship. Come September 2nd I'll be starting an internship with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. I am really looking forward to diving right in and really making the most out of such a great opportunity.
Reading: Beyond The Green Zone, Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq
Listening to: Bon Iver, Creature Fear

i love the cow with his head under the fence. if there wasn't a fence he wouldnt even care about that grass.
cows!!!! moooo. love the last one.
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