The last installment of on one of my last and best weekends in the soon to be gone and missed Urbana Champaign.
It's called disc golf, frisbee golf, or frolf for short, and it is a great time. I had the opportunity to play for the first, best damn well won't be the last, time on Sunday afternoon. In western Urbana there is a little challenging 9 'hole' course out behind a elementary school paralleled by a up and coming subdivision and an apartment complex.
A friend of mine, pat, was going to play with a couple other friends, maria and matt. And I couldn't turn down the offer to try out something new.
The best part of the course was the short walk between holes 4 and 5 where there was a small patch of mulberry tries along with a raspberry bush. I couldn't help but laugh at the great placement where the berries worked out as a great break to have a little snack. Though we did have to play out the rest of the course with stained fingers. Yet the payoff of a tamed stomach was well worth the semi-permanence of the purple and pink stained fingers.
Reading: Nothing, finished EOME and didn't bring another book to Urbana
Listening to: DubXanne, Message in a dub (Songs remixed into reggae)

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