Due to some loud calls from a few of my friends for ''more PUPPY photos!!!'' I guess I will indulge the addiction to cuteness.
I'll really miss having so many animals around when I move to Seattle. Our family has always had quite a few animals. But only in the past few years has our animal count increased unexpectedly. Somehow stray kittens just seem to find their way onto our property, and since we have outdoor cats and therefore feed them outside these strays seem to take a liking to our confines. Our older cats love the vagabonds, and as do we now.
They even enjoy a little family dinner together all the time.
Oh and just for your information. My dogs love the kittens, no bites, just big licks. As you can see sometimes the kittens are caught off guard when Holly sneaks up on them, but it's love all around.

looking forward to pictures of seattle.
the shoe tree, etcetera.
omg erica will be excited.
seattle will be fun but you will def. miss all these cute manimals.
omomg omg omg omnomnom. i am excited. i love the one of her eyes and the pup playn w/ the kits. can i come over and play with them. nice apt. view too. roxy- why did you call them manimals?? good luck in seattle. i want lotsa rain pics. come back with puppies.
Oh My God. This was awesome. And amazingly cute. More kitties!
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