So, I'm here. Seattle, Washington. I've come the 2,300 hundred miles to intern for the Seattle Post - Intelligencer as a photojournalist. ( I'll fill you in more about the internship after it begins )
I arrived in this wonderful city Sunday, August 24, 2008. My first day of work is Tuesday, September 2, 2008. I will be most likely be leaving this place sometime between January 5 and January 15, 2009. It seems like it will again just be a brief flirt with a city I have grown to love even though I have only spent a total of around 4 months here total.
It's already going fast. I've only been here for six days yet it feels like I just arrived last night. If the next four months continue to go this quickly I'll be packing up for the 2,300 mile drive home before I know it. I am going to make the most out of the short time that I have here, shooting everything, updating my portfolio, and bettering my skills as a photojournalist.... with a little fun on the side of course.
I hope to update as much as possible while here so hopefully everyone can follow along with myself as I hope to grow and expand my skills as a photojournalist.
Here is just a small taste of such a visual city from my first few days within its emerald walls. Some of which was the first day which Pat was still here, it was sad to see him go after such an epic cross country road trip. But it seems he has already gotten back into full swing of Midwest Photojournalism covering a recent house fire in the quad cities, luckily the house was abandoned.
best ~ brad

eee the gum wall. eeee.
we caught some crabs on the beach the other weekend and cooked them. !!!!!!!!!!!! those crabs look delicious too
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