--10_15_08_Macbook down..... again...--
It feels like it is inevitable now. Every few months or so my Macbook hard drive just craps out. This being the third time in just about a year of having this lee mon.
It's out of warrantee, yet they fixed it for free. Which may have been the only thing that helped me hold on to my sanity.... and ~ 200 precious bones.
Luckily I had most of my data backed up this time. However, I did lose a couple day's of shooting that included a great night out with friends which resulted in some great photos. Losing those is probably the saddest thing.
I just ordered a terabite drive and I am planning on doing a little organizing between my external drives and finally setting up the time machine back up so if this happens agin I don't have to reload my programs and set up my desktop and such.
At least they replaced my # 5 though I guess?
I love apple, but sometimes I feel like it is pretty one way friendship.
Listening to: Nothing, haven't reloaded my music yet.
Reading: A how to book.... on how to avoid lemons.
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