If you've been keeping up with this blog you know how attached I am to animals, especially dogs. I just can't get enough. One of the best parts about wandering around everywhere for assignments is that it's not a rarity to see a lot of animals, birds, deer, and especially dogs. It's great to run into dogs because I've always had a dog around my entire life and while out doing internships like this it stinks to be away from my dogs at home, Maize and Holly.
Oh hello there. It was muddy outside, whatever though, jump on me all you want.
The other day way out on the west side of Kansas, about 30 minutes from the Colorado border. While shooting art for a story The Hutchinson News is writing about the new wind farm going up I ran into the a very cool dog whose owner lives very close to the windmills. While the writer interviewed the man to get his opinions on the wind farm, the money it brings to town, and such, I politely excused myself to wander around his property and take photos on the wind turbines to show the proximity of them to his property. Ahem, hang out with the cool dog.
He was sorta scared of my camera, I assume he has never seen one before. The initial fright turned to curiosity though.
I did take some pictures, but there really wasn't a great angle to capture the wind turbines and his property. I ended up just hanging out with the awesome dog that he had adopted from the pound as a puppy a year or so earlier. I love big dogs, and this dog was large. Most likely a cross between a golden retriever and a german shepherd if I had to guess.
The hound was really energetic and loved jumping up to my chest to be pet on the head. He also did this hilarious thing when I stopped petting him or when I was walking around to get better shots.... he'd latch onto my hands with a very gentle chomp. Just enough to hold on to as if saying, 'let me walk with you' or 'start petting me again please'.
Hand Shake.
Hand smell.
Gentle hand chomp.
What a great day.
Brad Vest
Overexposed the first frame since I was still set for indoor exposures. I think this turned out really cool though. That's a reflection of me in his eye.
Listening to: Campus, Vampire Weekend
DOGGIE!!!! omgs! pretty pictures. like the artsy one too!
want puppy
of course erica likes the artsy one. hmph.
and i beat u again. and u can't make fun of art.
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